Monday, February 14, 2011

Documentary from the Hispanic American Culture

CHICANO! History of the Mexican American Civil Rights Movement.
NLCC Educational Media, 1996.

1 comment:

  1. CHICANO! is a four part documentary about the Mexican American Civil Rights Movement. Each part is an hour long and addresses a different issue of the Movement.
    Part 1 "Quest for a Homeland"
    "Quest for a Homeland" talks about the unrest of the Mexican Americans during the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.
    Part 2 "The Struggle in the Fields"
    The second part talks about the work of Cesar Chavez in organizing farm workers and the challenges they faced.
    Part 3 "Taking Back the Schools"
    This part is about the students taking an active role in the Movement. This part also addresses the high drop out rate for Mexican Americans and the lack of Mexican teachers, problems which still exist today.
    Part 4 "Fighting for Political Power"
    This part takes place in Crystal City, Texas. This town had a high population of Mexican Americans but they had no political say. This part talks about the party they created, La Raza Unida Party, to address this issue.
